Improve your copy by saying less.
One of the biggest problems with copy is the writer hasn’t done the hard thinking to get to one great idea.
You should only start writing once you have a powerful idea. Otherwise, what you write will wander and you will lose potential clients.
Here’s what you can do instead.
1. Do your research.
2. Develop your big idea.
3. Then write using the rule of one.
The rule of one means:
Write to one recipient. Even if it’s an ad or something seen by multiple people still write to one person as this is how it’s read.
Focus on one problem you solve. Not 2 or 3 jut one. The biggest one your dream clients face. You can help with the others once they are a client.
One solution to that problem.
One call to action to move things forward. Your call to action should be as small and as low risk as possible so it’s super easy to say yes.
The rule of one takes discipline but it makes your copy so much more persuasive. Try it today and please let me know how you go.