+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

A lot of people see influence as manipulative.

They’re right of course, but that doesn’t make it bad.

You can influence for good or bad. But I believe you should only ever do it for good.

The secret you can’t fake is genuinely caring.

Wanting to see the other person get what they really need even if that means not buying from you.

A thirsty person needs water. If you sell water you’d like them to buy from you. But you know how much they need it and your job is to make sure they get it.

It’s a philosophy the best companies have.

Your success comes first.

Their success comes from your success.

But you can pretend you care. It will be really obvious if you’re faking it (after all you don’t have Meg Ryan’s faking it skills).

The way to embrace this philosophy is to view each person as the most important person in the world to you at this moment.

Whoever you love and care about the most is how your mindset needs to be.

You will only do the right thing for this person.

That’s true influence. Based on true caring.

It’s the only way you should do business.

But the funny thing is hardly anyone does.

So when you do, you become ‘the only choice’ for what you do.