+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

Welcome to this weeks influence secret.

It’s powerful and influencers use it to sell all kinds of crap oops I mean products.

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You might have guessed it’s liking.

We buy from people we like and people we want to be like.

Now I don’t like, or aspire, to be a Jenner or Kardashian but many people do.

People like who they are. Many people also live vicariously through celebrities.

But liking applies to almost every purchase. Even your favourite coffee shop you go to because you like the people there.

In marketing there is a principle of know, like and trust. Like is step two. If people like us they will trust us enough to buy our thing from us instead of someone else.

Even LinkedIn content can do this. I get people all the time saying they reached out because of my posts. They trust me enough to have a conversation about marketing and copywriting.

Now here’s one secret to be more likeable. Wait for it, it’s a doozy.

Be yourself. Yes it’s that simple. But hardly anyone does it.

Not everyone will like you but that’s OK. The ones that do will power up the sales of your business and you’ll enjoy doing business with them.

This week think about how you can be more yourself and give people a chance to like you.