There is too much hype where there is too little substance.
There is not enough hype where there is great substance.
It seems the world is split into two camps. Aggressive sellers of what they have and timid sellers of what they have.
In my experience the latter have more to offer. So why aren’t they better at selling?
Often it’s because they don’t understand OR appreciate the enormous value of what they’re offering.
Another common problem is mindset hang ups around selling. People seem to think it’s evil. It’s not. In fact if you don’t sell your offering properly people lose the opportunity to work with you. They may end up going to someone big on hype and low on delivery.
It happens every day. The way I teach people to get over their hang ups about selling is like this. First it isn’t selling. You are letting people know you can genuinely help them get something they want.
Next you have an obligation, knowing what you know, to protect them from doing business with charlatans. Also they always have the power to say yes or no. You remind them that they are in charge. But only after you have presented your best case.
Selling ultimately is creating a trusted relationship where you earn the right to make a recommendation. It might be cliché to say selling is serving but it is.
No one gets paid till something is sold.