+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

Spit it out.

Please. Just spit it out.

What is it you are trying to tell me?

That’s all a potential clients wants to know.

But when you’re close to your business you get lost.

You get lost and fall in love with your business.

You get lost and fall in love with your products.

You get lost and fall in love with your words.

The problem is you can’t get lost.

You can’t be unclear.

You can’t forget what the client wants trumps what you want.

If what you say isn’t all about them.

Then they’ll be all about not buying from you.

But it’s fixable.

You just have to know what to say, who to and how to say it. It’s a learnable skill. But it does take time and effort to master.

If you want to learn how to write powerful copy you can.

But if you want the shortcut then hire me.