+61 414 799 515 will@cashcopy.com.au

If you’ve ever clicked because of headline.

If you’re ever read something because of the headline.

Then you know what it is.

It’s an interesting idea.

The headline hints at an idea that either interests you or doesn’t.

If it does you read on.

If it doesn’t you go on past it.

There is one thing every great headline contains.


Keep scrolling.

Sorry, I’ll stop now.

Or will (insert evil laugh here).

OK I really will now.

It’s curiosity.

Something you don’t know now that you want to know.

A gap that can only be closed by reading/clicking.

It can be used to evil or good.

I hope you choose good.

It not then stop following me. I don’t want evil marketers on my conscience.

Now you know what to look for do this one.

Read some headlines every day.

What grabs you?


The deeper you dig the more you’ll learn.

The more you learn, the less you’ll ever trust AI again to write a headline for you.

P.S. You get bonus points if you take your idea to edge. But that’s a topic for another day as most marketers lack the courage to be brave.